Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Whether you choose to celebrate or not, at least treat yourself to something yummy today! From cute ladybug chocolates at Whole Foods to the not-so-impressive tradition of candy hearts, there’s sugar to go around. Or, if you’re like me, something without sugar but just as (if not more) satisfying!

This year, I decided to surprise Cedric with the same thing—vegan and organic, of course! I secretively made my way through the pouring rain to our local Whole Foods, and quickly set to work. I found some beautiful organic strawberries and earned a laugh or two in the bulk foods section when I bee-lined for the chocolate chips. These are easy, beautiful, and delicious!
Vegan Chocolate-Covered Strawberries
16 oz carton of organic strawberries, washed and dried
⅓-½ c. grain-sweetened chocolate (or carob) chips
2 tbsp organic almond or soy milk
⅓-½ c. grain-sweetened chocolate (or carob) chips
2 tbsp organic almond or soy milk
Pecans, chopped (optional)
Melt the chocolate chips and nut milk in a small pan over low heat. Make sure to stir frequently and adjust the heat if necessary so the chocolate doesn’t burn! If you need to, add a splash more milk. Once everything has melted down completely, remove from heat.
Take a strawberry and roll through the chocolate until it most of it is covered. Sprinkle with pecans, if using. When every berry has been chocolate-dipped, place them in the fridge. If you'd like them to be closer to room temperature, take them out of the fridge at least an hour before eating!
This makes enough for leftovers. Keep the love going all week! ;)