
Chocolate Covered Strawberries

 Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
Whether you choose to celebrate or not, at least treat yourself to something yummy today!  From cute ladybug chocolates at Whole Foods to the not-so-impressive tradition of candy hearts, there’s sugar to go around.  Or, if you’re like me, something without sugar but just as (if not more) satisfying!

Cedric and I have celebrated Valentine’s Day every year since we started dating.  During our first year, we lived four hours away from each other.  It sucked…a lot!  However, I’ll never forget how shocked and delighted I was when he sent me a bouquet of roses on V-day.  I had never been showered with gifts by a guy before, so it was awesome!  It was even more awesome when, a day later, a box of chocolate-covered strawberries arrived.  Yummmmm.

This year, I decided to surprise Cedric with the same thing—vegan and organic, of course! I secretively made my way through the pouring rain to our local Whole Foods, and quickly set to work.  I found some beautiful organic strawberries and earned a laugh or two in the bulk foods section when I bee-lined for the chocolate chips.  These are easy, beautiful, and delicious!

Vegan Chocolate-Covered Strawberries

16 oz carton of organic strawberries, washed and dried
⅓-½ c. grain-sweetened chocolate (or carob) chips
2 tbsp organic almond or soy milk
Pecans, chopped (optional)

Melt the chocolate chips and nut milk in a small pan over low heat.  Make sure to stir frequently and adjust the heat if necessary so the chocolate doesn’t burn!  If you need to, add a splash more milk.  Once everything has melted down completely, remove from heat.

Take a strawberry and roll through the chocolate until it most of it is covered.  Sprinkle with pecans, if using.  When every berry has been chocolate-dipped, place them in the fridge.  If you'd like them to be closer to room temperature, take them out of the fridge at least an hour before eating!

This makes enough for leftovers.  Keep the love going all week! ;)


Groovy Fruity Quinoa with Toasted Walnuts

 A heavy rain drums excitedly on the roof.  Our cat, Niles, takes up his usual post in a kitchen chair.

Outside, trees are budding and delicate blossoms uncurl from mossy soil.  I feel the subtle expansion of seasons shifting as the earth slowly nods her head toward the sun.  My old homes in eastern Washington State, Montana, and Idaho are still seeing snowflakes--but not here.  It's a gradual transformation, but the transformation has begun.

I spent the last several days deciding on a dish that could be both comforting and light; something that gently guides you across the bridge from winter to spring.  I have been unknowingly preparing lighter dishes already, which is kind of neat!  Instead of a heavier lentil burger with all the fixings, I made lentil burger patties with miso gravy for lunch over the weekend (both recipes are from How It All Vegan! by Sarah Kramer and Tanya Barnard).  Today, I indulged in a couscous cake recipe found in Jessica Porter's The Hip Chick's Guide to Macrobiotics.  

Today, I wanted something sweet but not something you'd serve for dessert.  Something light, but not summery.  As I rummaged through my poorly-organized pantry, I found the answer.  Quinoa!

I love quinoa.  It's high in protein and looks really pretty--what's not to love?  Okay, it took a little while to warm up to it, but I let it grow on me.  All it took was a trip to Thrive (they're big on quinoa!) to realize that I was overcooking it.  No wonder I didn't love it before!

Groovy Fruity Quinoa with Toasted Walnuts

This dish could probably be served with breakfast if it weren't for the red onions.  In fact, it could still be breakfast...but it went well with a pressed salad for dinner!

1 cup organic quinoa
1 cup organic, unsweetened apple juice
1/4 cup water
Salt, to taste
1/3 cup dried fruit, chopped (raisins, currants, apricots, dates--whatever turns you on)
1/4-1/2 cup finely diced red onion
1/4 cup lightly toasted walnuts 

Place the apple juice, water, and salt in a medium pot and bring to a boil.  While you're waiting, rinse the quinoa in cold water to remove the bitter protective coating.

When the juice and water are boiling, add the quinoa and dried fruit.  Cover and let simmer for 12 minutes.

In the last minute of cooking, add the red onion.  This blanches the onion so it's not quite as intense!  Finally, remove everything from heat and let it sit for about five minutes.  Fluff with a fork and add the toasted nuts.  You could garnish it with citrus zest or toasted seeds, too! 

Serves 4

Idea: If this is too sweet for dinner, try adding some cinnamon and brown rice syrup.  Instant dessert or breakfast!


Vegan-niversary Weekend

This weekend is my VEGAN-niversary!  Okay, it’s actually on February 7th, but it’s more fun to celebrate on the weekend.  A year ago, I gave up dairy with the hope of improving some long-term digestive issues.  I had tried a gluten free diet and even went to a doctor, who was interested in running some tests.  Dollar signs flashed before my eyes, and I decided to try one last experiment.  I gave up milk, cheese, and ice cream.  Soon after, I ditched meat and eggs!

Veganism totally changed my life.  I have heard a lot of vegans say that, and it’s so true!  I used to think that a life without animal products was extreme; now, I can’t imagine ever consuming them again.  I feel light, happy, and very healthy.  I love that I’m taking a stand for the environment and the animals!  And, best of all, the food is amazing.  I’ve always been a foodie, and the yumminess factor has only gotten bigger!  Being vegan has taught me how to heal myself from the inside out.  I used to consider food to be an enemy; now, everything I eat is on my side (except for those chocolate chip cookie sandwiches from Whole Foods…).

This lifestyle change has been tremendously positive, so I decided about a month ago that I would celebrate.  My husband, who is still an omnivore but mostly vegan, bought me a delicious lunch yesterday at Thrive.  Their food is 100% vegan and gluten free.  A lot of their stuff is raw, too!  It was fun exploring their bulk section and the collection of books about raw living while waiting for our food.  I highly recommend the Oh My Wonka smoothie! Yum!! :D
We don’t typically eat out on a weekly basis, but I decided to keep the celebration going today by buying lunch at Flying Apron.  YUM!  I enjoyed a mini-pizza, which was packed with roasted veggies.  I’m a major fan of roasted garlic, so this was exciting!  My husband got the always-incredible vegan macaroni and cheese.  

What’s better than pizza and macaroni and cheese? Finishing them off with baked goods!  We picked out a carrot muffin and pumpkin ginger square (both are made without sugar).
Here’s to another year of deliciousness, good health, and great adventures!